Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Is This It?

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I am doing with my life, career-wise specifically. I have a very good job, all things considered. Now, I find myself asking all the time if this is all that life has to offer people in this day in age: get a good job, work yourself until you burn out, pay bills, and die.
I hear about lots of success stories of people who left the job life behind and made it in life using their talents. I hear about YouTubers who became a success doing what they love. I've also heard about people who went off and started successful businesses.One thing that I am noticing that a lot of them have in common is that they reached a point in their lives where they asked the same questions and made a decision to do something. They found what they loved doing and made that their career.

That's where I find myself, and if this is you, too, I want to encourage you that you should never feel like a slave to the dollar bill. Go out there and find out what it is that you love doing, not simply what you will tolerate for a paycheck. Then, make a plan and go for it!

Make it an awesome day!

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